Construction of the main structures of the TPP Stanari underway
The construction of the Stanari TPP in Bosnia and Herzegovina officially commenced today with the symbolic laying…
Dongfang awards EPC sub-contracts for the Stanari TPP project
Several companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been awarded contracts by China’s Dongfang Electric Corporation…
Record results achieved at the Stanari mine
The Stanari mine has achieved record production results in 2011. 1 087 000 tonnes of coal was excavated…
EFT and Sinohydro conclude EPC deal for HPP Ulog
One of the world’s leading infrastructure companies, China’s Sinohydro will build the Ulog hydro power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.…
Balkans face new supply crisis
Southeastern Europe is facing another electricity supply crisis as a result of record low hydropower production brought on by two years of drought…
EFT and China Development Bank in EUR 350 million financing deal for Stanari TPP
China Development Bank (CDB) is providing a EUR 350 million structured credit facility for the Energy Financing Team Group (EFT)…
Works commence on the Ulog HPP
The works on the Ulog HPP project commenced today with the building of a system of access roads in Ulog.…
EFT Romania va furniza energie electrica companiilor Stirom şi Lukoil
EFT România, filiala românească a Grupului EFT, va furniza, începând de la 1 iulie, energie electrică fabricii Stirom…
EFT and Dongfang Electric Corporation in EPC deal for Stanari TPP
One of the world’s leading manufacturers of power plant technology, China’s Donfang Electric Corporation concluded…
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and EFT promote new joint scholarship programme
From 2010 EFT and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office will provide funds for a new Chevening - EFT scholarship programme…
EFT granted energy trading licence in Montenegro
Energy Financing Team d.o.o. Herceg Novi, the Montenegrin subsidiary of the EFT Group, has been…
EFT's Ukrainian subsidiary licensed to trade under unregulated tariff
EFT Ukraine LLC, the Ukrainian subsidiary of the EFT Group, has been granted a licence to trade under..
EFT Romania to supply Holcim's energy in 2010
The Romanian subsidiary of the regional energy trader, the EFT Group will supply energy to Holcim Srl..
Hamovic: "The Federation and Republika Srpska should jointly develop projects on the river Neretva"
Cooperation between the fedeeartion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska on developing new hydroelectric..
EFT donates a new sports field to the primary school in Dragalovci
EFT has donated a new sports field with equipment for basketball and football to the Desanka Maksimovic primary school in Dragalovci.
Consumul de electricitate din ţara noastră se va stabiliza, în 2010, la nivelul acestui an, apreciază David Surtees
EFT dezvaluie noile investitii din Balcani
EFT isi continua planurile de a-si construi un portofoliu de unitati de producere a energiei in Balcani. Traderul Anglo-Elvetian…
EFT va construi hidrocentrala Ulog pe raul Neretva
Guvernul Republicii Srbska, din Bosnia-Hertegovna, a acordat EFT concesiunea pentru a construi si exploata hidrocentrala Ulog de pe raul Neretva.
Consumul se stabilizează, iar preţul energiei nu va depăşi 50 de euro/MWh
* Dacă vor să exporte, producătorii români de energie trebuie să mai scadă preţurile